
Fingerprints Automotive Cards

Biometric data puts you in the driver seat. There are millions of vehicles that would benefit from safe biometric authentication and identification. Letting a car, a truck, a bus or another vehicle know exactly who is driving or riding it, opens up an endless amount of opportunities.


Wouldn't it be great if all kids were identified when entering a school bus, sending a notification to the parents after arriving safely to school? In a workplace where different drivers on different shifts use vehicles, a biometric solution could solve both driving comfort and attendance issues.


When design and development work closely together, more can be achieved. We've built an interactive cluster display for Fingerprints that is based on biometric data. A service design approach directed us to develop and visualise the enabled services through biometric data usage.

Biometric data can enhance and personalise your driving experience

In a workplace where different drivers on different shifts use vehicles, a biometric solution could solve both driving comfort and attendance issues. Car pool members all over the world could get quick, safe and easy access to cars, which would benefit a smart and sustainable idea. The applications and advantages are endless.