
Providing a seamless driving experience within the maritime industry

Yacht Defined, a result of The Techno Creatives and HOC Yachts co-creation, can be utilized outside the boat which enables new ways of being in control. It provides the user with relevant information at the right time. Dynamic content change depending on the situation, time of day and surroundings.


The marine and automotive industries are changing rapidly. Smarter systems are expected by diverse end-users and competition will eat you when you don't keep up. So why not push it to the extreme and beat them all?


We teamed up with HOC Yachts, a cutting-edge yacht manufacturer, to design and integrate a new way of interacting with a yacht. Together, we identified opportunities and brought them to life. In the end, Yacht-Defined was acquired by Navico, a specialist marine electronics company.

Yacht Defined is a result of challenging and questioning traditional boat systems of today.

Intelligent driving aid are designed to transform the user into a professional captain. Auto Pilot position the boat on the right course. Auto Stability makes the journey comfortable. Sweet Spot visually guides in how to achieve a fuel efficient and smooth ride. The Man Overboard feature automatically adds a pin to the same chart. The captain can with a single action position the boat  still, call SOS and activate SOS light signals. Thermal cameras enhance search or navigation in bad conditions.

Yacht Defined provide the user with relevant information at the right time. Dynamic content change depending on situation, time of day and surroundings. The 29" super widescreen navigation interface change appearance and content, enhancing the experience when e.g. cruising, speeding, approaching shallow water or relaxing in the harbor.